Hosted by Breaking the Spine
Title: OCD, the Dude, & Me
Author: Lauren Roedy Vaughn
Pub Date: 3.21.13
From With frizzy orange hair, a plus-sized body, sarcastic demeanor, and "unique learning profile," Danielle Levine doesn't fit in even at her alternative high school. While navigating her doomed social life, she writes scathing, self-aware, and sometimes downright raunchy essays for English class. As a result of her unfiltered writing style, she is forced to see the school psychologist and enroll in a "social skills" class. But when she meets Daniel, another social misfit who is obsessed with the cult classic film The Big Lebowski, Danielle's resolve to keep everyone at arm's length starts to crumble.
This sounds rather interesting. I have seen the cover but I had never bothered to read the synopsis until now!
ReplyDeleteMy WoW
This sounds really good! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for this one when it's released. Great pick!
ReplyDeleteMy WoW
This sounds like something I'd love!
ReplyDeleteMy WoW
Ok, so this sounds UTTERLY ADORABLE. I mean, a social skills class?! I think I need one of those, seriously. ;) I'm really intrigued by this concept, and it definitely seems like the perfect light book to read inbetween those heavier ones.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing! <3