November 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (58)

This week's topic is

1. The Fiery Heart
2. Silver Shadows
- Richelle Mead
August 2014
I can't even really describe how much I love the Bloodlines series.  I only read it two weeks ago, but every day since has been a struggle to not reread them.  It is definitely made its way onto my list of favorite series of all time.  Sydney and Adrian are forever.  They're just so well written, separately and together, and I need to know what's going on with them.

3. Isla and the Happily Ever After - Stephanie Perkins
I have been waiting for Isla for ages.  I've wanted to reread Anna ever since the first time I read it, but made a promise to myself that I wouldn't do it until I could read all three books together and we're slowly inching closer to that being a reality.

4. Evertrue - Brodi Ashton
I haven't even read Everbound yet, but I loved Everneath so much that I want them all!

5. The Infinite Sea - Rick Yancey
I was really glad The 5th Wave lived up to all it's hype.  I can't wait to see where the story goes, though I'm not a huge fan of this title.  I never remember that the two books are connected.

6. The Retribution of Mara Dyer - Michelle Hodkin
I was really sad to hear that this release was getting pushed back.  I can't wait to read the conclusion of this series.

7. Hollow City - Ransom Riggs
Miss Peregrine was so different than anything I've read before and I can't wait to jump back into this world.

8. Enders - Lissa Price
I loved Starters and was super excited to continue on with this series, but I think it was another one that got pushed back?  Anyway, I really want to find out what is in store for Callie and the others.

9. Vengeance - Megan Miranda
Fracture is one of my favorite books that I've read since I started blogging and I was so excited to hear that there was going to be a sequel to it.  I love Delaney and Decker and can't wait to spend more time with them.

10. Going Rogue - Robin Benway
I LOVED Also Known As.  A teenage safecracker with an awesome family and an even more awesome best friend (Roux was the best!), what's not to love?  And it's Robin Benway, so you know it's gonna be great.  I can't wait for this one!

Are there any sequels you guys are especially excited for?  I'm always looking for books to add to my insanely long TBR list! 


  1. I love the VA series so i definitely think i should read bloodlines, happy to hear your enjoying it, it's just made it more tempting to me :)

    Sanna @ Fanciful Fictions

    1. Oh god, read Bloodlines! It's even better than VA and I loved VA. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I can't wait to see how the Mara Dyer series finishes. I'm so excited about it.

    1. Me too! It's such a great series. I was super bummed when it got pushed back.

  3. Great list!! Mara Dyer and Isla are both on my list as well. I have a copy of Everneath and really need to start that series.

    Here is my TTT:

    1. Everneath is awesome! I love things that are reinterpretations of other things so Everneath really spoke to me. Definitely pick it up when you have a chance.

  4. Great list! I really need to read Bloodlines, because I've seen that series over and over today (Fiery Heart).

    Here's my TTT

    If you have time, visit my giveaway: Goodreads Challenge Giveaway

    1. Oh my gosh, I cannot speak highly enough of Bloodlines. Please pick it up when you have a chance, it's AMAZING. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I need to read Also Known As. I love the cover for the new book and Robin Benway is awesome so I need to do it!! A few of your other books made my list too: Isla, Hollow City, and Retribution. Very excited for all 3 of those!

    My TTT

    1. Robin Benway is awesome. She's one that I will read absolutely anything she does without question. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I haven't read Miss Peregrine's yet, but if you included Hollow City on your list, it must be good. It is on my to-read list.

    By the way, I nominated you for the Liebster Award for bloggers. Check it out here:
