Scar Girl
Len Vlahos
Egmont USA
About: Told as an interview
with the band after they reach the pinnacle of success, readers will hear from
Cheyenne, Harry, and Richie as they discover the ups and downs of being a rock
musician, complete with meltdowns on stage and fights that test the limits of
the band.
This is the Scar Boys in their own words.
I read The Scar Boys and loved it, so I knew as soon as I saw Scar Girl go up on Netgalley I
had to request it. The tiny description
that I could find for it basically tells you what you need to know. It’s framed as an interview with the band, which
I’m not totally sure I loved. The
transition from interview to story didn’t always make sense to me. I couldn’t tell if it was all supposed to be
told in interviews and the story parts were just one person talking for a long
time, or if there was supposed to be a clear separation between them. This also may have just been an issue with the formatting of the e-galley. The title made me think this book was going
to mostly focus on Cheyenne, but you really get time with the whole band
still. Be forewarned, this is not a
happy book, but if you read The Scar Boys,
I think Scar Girl is a must.