Title: The Scar Boys
Author: Len Vlahos
Pages: 256
Publisher: Egmont USA
From goodreads.com: A severely burned teenager. A guitar. Punk rock. The chords of a rock 'n' roll road trip in a coming-of-age novel that is a must-read story about finding your place in the world...even if you carry scars inside and out.
Like an older, punk rock version of Wonder. The Scar Boys tells the story of Harry, a boy badly disfigured by burns when he was a kid. Everyone in his school is terrible to him, except one person - Johnny. They become best friends and, as so many do, they start a band. Turns out, they're pretty good. They go from playing local events to clubs to the point where they want to take it on the road before Johnny leaves for college.
The Scar Boys is an exploration of a lot of things in a very quick moving time in your life. The summer before college is that time where you start questioning EVERYTHING: your parents, your friends, and especially yourself.
From a bookselling point of view this book is a godsend. I'm always looking for new books to give to reluctant teen boy readers and this is perfect. It has a really great boy voice and is about one of my favorite things - music. An easy sell and a great read.
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