November 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday (74)

This week's topic is

I am 100% a rereader.  I get attached to characters and never want to let go.  There are series that I’ll always reread that I’m not putting on this list because it is just a constant level of wanting to read them again in my brain (Harry Potter, The Princess Diaries, Secret Society Girl, Anna/Lola/Isla).

These are books I need/want to reread so I can continue the series:

The Darkest Minds
Throne of Glass
I Hunt Killers
The Mara Dyer series
Rebel Belle

And there are some books that I will never ever tire of rereading:

Some Girls Are
Also Known As
Where She Went

 Love Happens (this is a totally cheesy 90s Christmas book that I have loved forever and reread every year DO NOT JUDGE ME)

What about you guys?  Do you like to reread or do you feel like it's a waste of reading time?

1 comment:

  1. I like to re-read but I am so distracted by all the new shiny books on my ever-growing TBR pile!
