January 22, 2012

In My Mailbox (1)

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren.

From publishers:

From the library:

On my nook:


  1. After is one of those books that takes your breath away and makes you really think. I thought it was amazing.

    I can't wait for Pandemonium and The Pregnancy Project or The Post-it Note Diaries either!! All three look so good!

    Amazing books and happy reading!!


    1. I'm starting After right now, I've heard nothing but good things about it. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. New follower! OMG, I am so jealous of Pandemonium!!! And I've been dying to read Pregnancy Project. And After is a REALLY good book! Here is my IMM if you'd like to follow back: http://theonceandfuturelibrarian.blogspot.com/2012/01/in-my-mailbox-4.html

    1. I thought the Pregnancy Project looked so interesting. It's not very often that I find YA non-fiction that I want to read! Followed back, thanks for stopping by!

  3. I'd never heard of The Pregnancy Project before, but I've just looked it up and it seems fantastic. Onto the wishlist it goes! I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on it...

    I really need to read Delirium. It's on my TBR but there's so much hype around it that I'm almost scared that it won't live up to it. To be fair, I felt the same about Divergent and ended up loving it so I'll get to it eventually :)

    1. Delirium is my favorite of the three dystopians that I read very close together (the other two were Matched by Ally Condie and Bumped by Megan McCafferty). I couldn't put it down!
