September 30, 2012

In My Mailbox (20)

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren


A light week over here, but that's okay.  I haven't been reading as fast as usual so I need some time to catch up.  I can't wait to see what everyone else has gotten this week!

September 26, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (20)

Okay, apparently I'm the worst because I forgot to post this yesterday.  I blame lack of sleep and having some sort of semblance of a social life for once.  Oh well, here it is anyway.

This week's topic is
Top Ten Series I Haven't Finished

I think I'm only going to go with five this week.  I don't really like to start series' unless I have the ability and desire to finish them all at once.  If I start them without being able to finish I generally forget what has happened by the time the next book makes it's way to my hands and then I have to reread.

1. The Mortal Instruments - Cassandra Clare

I powered through the first three very enjoyable books in this series, but then I needed to take a break and kind of escape from that world for a bit.  I haven't had the chance to get back to them yet.

2. The Wolves of Mercy Falls - Maggie Steifvater

I loved the first book in this series.  It was a different take on werewolf mythology.  I thought the second book, though, was just a whole lot of set up for the third.  I understand it was necessary, but it also didn't make for a great second installment.  I haven't made my way back to the third book yet, but I hope that it makes the second one worth it.

3. Bumped/Thumped - Megan McCafferty

I wanted to love Bumped.  I love Megan McCafferty's Jess Darling series and I had such high hopes for Bumped, but it just didn't work for me.  I haven't been able to face Thumped yet to see if it makes it any better in my eyes.

4. The Gallagher Girls series - Ally Carter

I meant to read the latest Gallagher Girl book when it came out, but it just slipped through the cracks.  

5. The Embrace series - Jessica Shirvington

I have no excuse here.  I really enjoyed the first book in this series.  I was DYING for the second one.  I got it at BEA and I still haven't read it.  I've been so slacking on my BEA reading, it's not even funny.  I've read exactly one book that I came home with so far.  I need to get to this one asap.

September 24, 2012

In My Mailbox (19)

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren

Hey everybody!  Hope you're all doing well.  I've been gone for the ENTIRE summer and I've missed a whole bunch.  It's been kind of unexpectedly busy over here, but I'm back now and ready to jump into a regular blogging schedule. (I hope!)


I went to another signing at Oblong Books last week.  It's a little bit of a drive, but I love that store.  The events (all two that I've been to so far) are always well organized, the staff is great, and I just love the feel of an independent bookstore.  Of course, these signings always result in my coming home with way more books that I need/have room for.


After the signing, the staff at Oblong dragged out boxes of ARCs that they had and said that we could all go through them to see if we wanted anything.  I managed to snag a copy of Speechless, which I've been looking forward to reading ever since I saw the amazingly simple cover that the finished copies have.