Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Okay, apparently I'm the worst because I forgot to post this yesterday. I blame lack of sleep and having some sort of semblance of a social life for once. Oh well, here it is anyway.
This week's topic is
Top Ten Series I Haven't Finished
I think I'm only going to go with five this week. I don't really like to start series' unless I have the ability and desire to finish them all at once. If I start them without being able to finish I generally forget what has happened by the time the next book makes it's way to my hands and then I have to reread.
1. The Mortal Instruments - Cassandra Clare
I powered through the first three very enjoyable books in this series, but then I needed to take a break and kind of escape from that world for a bit. I haven't had the chance to get back to them yet.
2. The Wolves of Mercy Falls - Maggie Steifvater
I loved the first book in this series. It was a different take on werewolf mythology. I thought the second book, though, was just a whole lot of set up for the third. I understand it was necessary, but it also didn't make for a great second installment. I haven't made my way back to the third book yet, but I hope that it makes the second one worth it.
3. Bumped/Thumped - Megan McCafferty
I wanted to love Bumped. I love Megan McCafferty's Jess Darling series and I had such high hopes for Bumped, but it just didn't work for me. I haven't been able to face Thumped yet to see if it makes it any better in my eyes.
4. The Gallagher Girls series - Ally Carter
I meant to read the latest Gallagher Girl book when it came out, but it just slipped through the cracks.
5. The Embrace series - Jessica Shirvington
I have no excuse here. I really enjoyed the first book in this series. I was DYING for the second one. I got it at BEA and I still haven't read it. I've been so slacking on my BEA reading, it's not even funny. I've read exactly one book that I came home with so far. I need to get to this one asap.
Wow, a lot of people haven't finished Mortal Instruments! I'm dying to read that series! It's on my list! And, now I'm interested in the Embrace series!