April 30, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (43)

This week's topic is
Top Ten Words/Topics that Instantly Make Me Pick Up a Book

I couldn't do ten this week because I'm just too tired after work, but here are five things that will make me read a book no matter what (but I can't promise I won't complain about it after).


  1. I'm not sure how I didn't think of music. I LOVED Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready and Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins because of the musicians in the story! Great list!

    My TTT

  2. Skip the celebrity characters...but other than that, I completely agree with the rest of them! Nice picks!

    My TTT
    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  3. MUSIC!!!! OH MAN I wish I had thought of that one!! Great pick!
