January 22, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (36)

This week's topic is
Settings I'd Like to See More Of

1. Ski Lodges - More winter books please!  There's so much potential: skiing, snowboarding, tubing, ice skating.  Not to mention LODGING.  Hot chocolate, fireplaces, cozy sweaters.  Cute boys everywhere.  I love reading winter-y books and don't know about nearly enough of them.

2. College - I want more New Adult that isn't terrible.  I hope that more authors will take on the challenge of writing a really good, believable college storyline.  Gayle Forman did it with Just One Day, Julie Cross did it with Tempest, Diana Peterfreund did it with the Secret Society Girl books.  C'mon authors, get on this!

3. England - I know, there are plenty YA books out there with an English setting, but I can't seem to get enough of them.  Being set in England usually means there's a cute boy with an accent, which is almost always an automatic A+ (I'm exaggerating, an accented love interest starts you off at a B- at most).  In the words of the immortal Britney Spears, "Gimmie gimmie more, gimmie more, gimmie gimmie more."

4. New Jersey - I LOVE when books are set in my state.   They don't even actually have to be near me, but it just makes me happy to have even a vague idea of the area they're referring to.  (See:  The Curseworkers books, The Stephanie Plum books)

5. Tour Bus/Concert Venue/anywhere that might mean there's a touring musician in the story because, hello, musicians, woo!  (And yes, that is a picture of 4/5ths of One Direction.  Can't help it.)

Do you all have any suggestions of books with these settings?  What settings are you most excited to see more of?


  1. Great list! Ski lodges is a good one! :D
    My TTT.

  2. Yes! One Direction. I understand the compulsion to post that picture.. It's almost like you wrote you wanted that setting so that you could post that picture!!!! AHAHAHA (Oh wait, no one needs a reason to pic-spam one direction!)

    Oh, and I totally agree about New Jersey. I lived there for sixteen years before moving to Las Vegas.

    Books are Bread

  3. I'm such an anglophile! I LOVE books set in England and always want more! Contemporary, historical?! Doesn't matter as long as its in the UK! :)

  4. Ugh, I agree with this entire list but yes, I'd especially love to see more books set at ski lodges too! I've read quite a few romance novels with that setting, it'd be nice to read some YA.

  5. Have you read Cowboy by Staci Stallings (or any of the Harmony series)? It's about a musician on the road. Ski lodges would be a fun setting! I think the only book I've ever read that even mentioned a ski lodge was Pretense by Lori Wick, and that was just a short scene.
    Here's my TTT.
