June 14, 2012

BEA in pictures

We actually got the last four tickets to meet Molly Ringwald which was awesome because, hello, it's Molly effing Ringwald.

The Children's Book and Author Breakfast was amazing.  All the speeches were so great.  I think John Green's was my favorite though - about how books don't need to be messed with to compete with the new technologies (and Angry Birds).  That books engage the reader in a different way than the other entertainment mediums and we shouldn't be trying to emulate those because books already do the job they're meant to and they do it well.  He really hit some points that are exactly what I think about technology and reading and it was awesome to hear from someone else.

Sarah Maas (Throne of Glass) who is probably the nicest person ever.  I ran into her a few times that week and she was just so awesome.  I'm so glad I got to her signing early because the line was unbelievably long!

Maureen Johnson.  In the next line I waited in after this I started reading The Name of the Star and I didn't want to put it down.

Libba Bray.  Talk about a long freaking line.  It was so worth it though, she was awesome!

Oh, this?  This is my new best friend HOLLY FREAKING BLACK.  There was a super secret (I mean, I'm pretty sure it wasn't actually super secret, but it felt like it) Holly Black signing with Ellen Kushner for Welcome to Bordertown.  By the time we got there they were out of books, but we did not care at all.  My goal was to tell Holly Black how much I love The Curseworkers series.  Mission accomplished.  Also, we took this awesome picture.  So yeah, life made.

Alexandra Bracken, whose tumblr I've followed for over a year now (and I told her so when I met her).  I really like her and I've been dying to read The Darkest Minds since she announced it.

Siobhan Vivian & Jenny Han.  Very awesome ladies who gave me sunblock.  Apparently Siobhan Vivian is from very near where I am from, that was cool to find out.

Kirstie Alley, whose line we found by accident and hopped on.  She was super nice and I told her I loved her on Dancing with the Stars.

One of my favorite signings that I didn't get a picture of was Diana Peterfreund.  I finally got to tell her how much I love the Secret Society Girl series and that I have re-read it every summer since 2007.

To sum it up, BEA was exhausting and amazing.  I met some amazing authors and bloggers (I met Anna from Anna Reads and Katherine from The Lady Critic's Library, both of them awesome.  I've followed their blogs for a while now and it was very cool to meet them in person.)  I'm so glad I had the chance to go, and I'm very much looking forward to going again next year.


  1. Ahh! Some much AWESOME I can't even! From what I've read about BEA, all the YA authors are just the coolest bunch of people. :)

    1. They really are the nicest people. Everyone I met was so excited to be there and so happy to talk to fans. It was an amazing experience!

  2. Aww, glad you had an awesome time!! The pics are beautiful <3 <3
